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It’s Like Riding a Bike…

June 27, 2018

A post by Amy Tepper and Patrick Flynn It’s Like Riding a Bike…Together This week, we were out organizing our research, yearlong practices, and lessons learned as we prepare to present at the Visible Learning Conference focused on collective teacher efficacy (July 9th & 10th in Chicago). We were immersed in Hattie’s research (Visible Learning for […]

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Are You Smarter Than a 6th Grader?

May 22, 2018

A post by Amy Tepper and Patrick Flynn Many of us have been wowed watching the Jeff Foxworthy show with 5th graders, but recently, we were wowed as we watched 6th graders set the bar for instructional leaders everywhere as we visited classrooms in one of our CT middle schools. What We Know According to […]

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Birds of a Feather Flock Together

April 27, 2018

A Post by Amy Tepper and Patrick Flynn We were sitting in Patrick’s living room the other day attempting to write, but found ourselves distracted by the geese in the backyard. We caught ourselves saying out loud, “welcome back” when we noticed new additions had arrived. Two of the geese have spent the last few […]

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Go From Ordinary to Extraordinary

April 11, 2018

A Post by Amy Tepper and Patrick Flynn “My powers are ordinary, only my application brings me success.” Sir Isaac Newton. In the last chapter of our new book Feedback to Feed Forward: 31 Strategies to Lead Learning, we highlight extraordinary practice of several districts and administrators. In that same chapter we provide six challenges […]

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Big Data and Educator Effectiveness and Accountability

October 18, 2017

This past week I had the privileged to travel to Tianjin China and present at a Forum hosted by Tianjin University of Technology. The forum provided an opportunity for experts from various fields to collaborate and share ideas on potential ways that Big Data analysis could influence the future of their particular field. Presenters focused […]

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A Message to PEAC:  TEVAL Should Promote Reflection*

April 26, 2017

*A follow up to my previous post – Connecting Teacher Action with Student Outcomes. This morning I attended a meeting of the Performance Evaluation Advisory Council (PEAC).  PEAC, charged with leading Educator Evaluation in the state of CT, began conversations today on the weighting associated with the current components of educator evaluation. It has been long […]

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Connecting Teacher Action with Student Outcomes

January 31, 2017

“Growth” has been one of the more elusive words in educational jargon over the past few years.  Its use triggers reactions from so many due to ill-fated or, better put, poorly constructed attempts to connect it to educator evaluation. Anyone who has read or spoken with me in-depth knows that I do consider student outcomes […]

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A Message to Disconnect in Order to Connect

December 3, 2016

I left for the Learning Forward Conference in Vancouver yesterday and, since I left, I have received two messages – loud and clear – that I need to “disconnect” a little. Now that word means many different things to different people and in different situations. My meaning for it is pretty simple in this context […]

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Two CT Districts Heading to Vancouver

November 30, 2016

West Hartford and Canton Public Schools… will be presenting along with ReVision Learning Partnership next week at the Learning Forward Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Learning Forward Conference, entitled Connecting Landscapes for Learning, has been designed this year to examine the impact of professional learning and quality feedback on teacher practice and student outcomes […]

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CT Court Decision Can Help Reshape Educator Practice

September 9, 2016

A Sense of Hope for CT Education Listening to today’s news on the car ride to school with my son, a sense of tremendous optimism for CT education came upon me. In a decision that could fundamentally reshape public education in Connecticut, the state was ordered on Wednesday to make changes in everything from how […]

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Gratitude For Five Years-Here’s to Five More

July 1, 2016

Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. ~ William Arthur Ward This past month, ReVision Learning Partnership celebrated its Five Year Anniversary. I wanted to take a moment to stop and reflect upon the importance of those around me who have helped keep its […]

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Making Video-Based Calibration Matter

June 2, 2016

At ReVision Learning Partnership we want to ensure evaluator capacity focuses on high quality feedback. Teachers deserve to trust their observations. School administrators need to know evaluators can deliver feedback focused on student achievement. Taxpayers should demand an effective teacher for their children. For the last half decade schools have “ensured” evaluators calibrate against some video. […]

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