We increase your ability to recognize the impact you have on others.

Help to create a shift in thinking and doing so your teachers feel empowered.

We can help you lead the learning beyond the pandemic in alignment to your goals and priorities.

Observation Feedback

Leverage Observation and Feedback

Observers of all experience levels are struggling to maximize the power of feedback to cultivate teacher growth. Yet, everyone can become an observer of impact. Whether through live classroom visits or videos, administrators, coaches, and peers will enhance their ability to collect and analyze evidence as the foundation of high quality feedback–striving to identify high leverage focus areas to increase impact on engagement and learning.

Cultivate A Culture of Learning and Leadership

Teachers and leaders can no longer exist in a culture of isolation within our schools and must strive to embody the idea that we are better together. By analyzing current policies, processes, and practices through the lens of change and leadership, we can cultivate a common, collective mindset about learning among district & building leaders, teachers, and students–all focused on growth.

Culture of Learning
Leadership Culture

Support New Leaders

Stepping into a classroom to observe for the first time can be daunting. It’s critical that we set our new administrators up for success with the foundation not often established in their leader preparation programs. Our customized tools go beyond traditional calibration exercises to empower leadership capacity in your people. Just as we would invest in our new teachers, so too, must we invest in the support of our new leaders.

Understand Effective Teaching and Learning

For years, our teachers have been asked to adapt to new standards and methods while they continue to struggle with the changing needs of students. Through strategic analysis of teaching models, performance standards, and expectations, we deepen the understanding of expected outcomes for all students and the necessary practices that lead schools towards a greater common understanding of teaching and learning.

Understanding Teachers

Shift your people to the next level.

We work side-by-side with you to personalize a plan that gives people what they need and when they need it to grow their capacity to lead.

Not sure where to start?